Another thing that is adding to the stress, is the fact that our mobile home is no where near complete enough to move in comfortably. The flooring was all stripped away, leaving the exposed subfloor in all the rooms. We ended up having to gut both bathrooms because they both had bad leaks and were causing mold. The leaks were so bad that they damaged the back half of the trailer. It would have been wise to walk away, but now we are stuck with it.
We were assured by our real estate agent that the only problems in the home were cosmetic. Wrong. Don't trust your realtor for anything except to do paperwork between buyers, sellers, and lenders.. No matter how small, or no matter if you think things look sound, no matter if you are paying with cash.. It's worth the few hundred bucks for the piece of mind to know what you are getting. The mobile home's previous owner had spent a lot of money covering up problems instead of fixing them.
Thank heavens a lady I work with has a master carpenter for a husband and father in law. They have been very helpful in doing all the repair work for a great price. Since we hadn't anticipated such serious problems in the bathrooms, it pushed the renovation time a lot longer than expected. As soon as we bought the trailer we mistakenly turned in notice with our landlord here at the apartment, which only gave us a month to get everything ready. I wish we had another month, even though it would have cost the extra rent money.
We are going to have to live in a construction zone for at least another week or two, with no finished floors except in the bathroom. Fortunately I think they will be able to get one working bathroom by tomorrow so we can at least shower and use the toilet.
At least we will have some amazing memories and before/after photos.

Guest Bathroom - The shower stall was painted black!

Master Bathroom. Again, with a weird painted shower stall.. When we tried to clean it, the paint scraped off. I'm not sure if the previous owner bathed or cleaned or what... The room is so small it's impossible to get good photos.

This is the kitchen. Pretty nice at first glance. The "wood" countertops are fake, the tile on the floor was applied with thin quickset grout without preparing the subfloor underneath. They just laid the tile on top of the old linoleum. Good layout though. The cabinets are built ins. If we stay here long enough we are going to knock them all out and go with Ikea cabinets or something.

Here's the living room. This is the realtors photo of the previous owners stuff. It is actually a big room. Ugly mirrors on the opposite side though, bolted to the wall. Below are the bedrooms, again realtors photos. The carpet was so nasty and stained, it was one of the first things we ripped out. They are nice size rooms, 12x12 or so, so they should fit our furniture fine. Can't wait to paint!

Well, off to do some more last minute packing...